Auditory Processing Therapy

Therapy That Helps You Improve Your Hearing and Communication Skills

Urban Hearing offers virtual hearing rehabilitation and communication coaching to those with auditory processing deficits and the healthcare professionals who serve them. Effective communication is the key to all interactions, both personally and professionally. Urban Hearing is dedicated to helping you achieve your communication goals.

How Does It Work?

All services are virtual and take place in the comfort of your home. 

Once an evaluation and recommended treatment plan is complete, patients can choose between two options: 

  1. An online, individualized, customized, and interactive treatment program
  2. An online, self-guided, and self-paced auditory training program

Management for Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder creates a variety of educational, occupational, and social challenges for our patients, making its identification and treatment critical to your overall health as well as your quality of life. There are therapies and technologies that help APD and, in some cases, improve it significantly. Just as every person is different, so are the treatments for APD. Treatment starts with a careful diagnosis by an audiologist and is individually tailored to meet the patient’s needs. A proper assessment of an auditory processing test can indicate which therapies would be a good approach. 

Our management program varies on a person’s auditory profile and their primary difficulties and is designed to help individuals better cope with the various demands in their listening environments. Challenging auditory environments that continually stress the central auditory nervous system may lead to failure; however, with appropriate management, we strive to reduce functional weaknesses and maximize the ability to perform across multiple environments so that children and adults can better cope with the auditory demands in their daily lives.

Treatments are designed to improve access and interpretation of incoming auditory and verbal information by addressing deficit areas directly. We offer deficit-specific formal and informal auditory training when appropriate. Other recommendations may include computer-assisted therapy, compensatory strategies, low-gain hearing aids, FM systems, and environmental modifications. 

It is not uncommon for an individual with APD to have other difficulties that are beyond the scope of an audiology assessment. In those cases, we will work with other professionals to obtain additional evaluations. We will make recommendations for further testing as needed and refer your child to the specialty that best fits their treatment needs, which may include but not be limited to speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, psychology, or neuropsychology.

Now, you can enjoy the convenience of APD assessment and treatment from the comfort of your home. Click here to schedule.

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